IPS Complaints Policy

This document was last updated on May 10, 2023.

This IPS Complaints Policy applies to customers from the EEA member states starting from January 1, 2021.

This is the IPS Complaints Policy applicable to Payz Services, as defined below. This Complaints Policy forms an integral part of the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account and Terms of Use for the User Account.

The Complaints Policy may be made available in several languages; all versions are legally binding, but in the event of inconsistency between English version and a translated version, English version prevails.

1. About IPS

IPS is a brand name for IPS Solutions Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus with registration number HE346719. IPS Solutions Ltd. is authorised by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to issue electronic money and also to provide payment services. The registration number issued by the CBC to IPS is

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2. Definitions

The following capitalized terms have the following respective meanings in this Complaints Policy:

“Business Day” – any day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a public or bank holiday in Cyprus and/or our payment partner jurisdictions.

“Business Entity” – a legal person, commercial or business entity that meets all the eligibility requirements set in the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account and that opens and holds a Payz account and is enabled to use Payz Services including receiving payments from and sending payments to Users.

“Complaints Policy” – this Complaints Policy concerning Payz Services available on the Website as may be amended from time to time.

“Customer Support Service” – Our customer support service (including the Business Support Team) available 24/7 for any questions You may have.

“Payz account” – an online eMoney account opened and held in the name of a Business Entity or User and maintained by IPS.

“Payz” – Our (IPS) brand name.

“Payz Services” – innovative payment services provided by Us and based on eMoney issued by Us upon demand and for the account of Business Entities and Users and including activities required for operations with a Payz account, identity verification and security checks, execution of Transactions, receipt of eMoney transfers, issuance and redemption of eMoney and other activities, as described in the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account.

“eMoney” – monetary value stored in electronic form issued by Us under the relevant national laws of the Republic of Cyprus and applicable regulations of the European Union and these Terms of Use.

“Financial Ombudsman Service” – Cyprus Financial Ombudsman Service.

“Mobile Application” – an information technology solution available on Mobile Devices exclusively to Users for accessing and partly using Payz Services. We may make this service available to Business Entities in the future.

“Mobile Device” – a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.

“IPS”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” – IPS Solutions Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and authorised by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to issue electronic money and thus also to provide payment services as described in the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account and Terms of Use for the User Account.

“User” – an individual who meets all the eligibility requirements set in the Terms of Use for the User Account and that opens and holds a Payz account, thereby agreeing with the Terms of Use for the User Account.

“Website” – the website branded as Payz and referring to domain https://www.payz.com/. The term “Website” also includes a reference to a Mobile Application in this Complaints Policy, when applicable.

“You”, “Your” – you, a Business Entity or User that opens and holds a Payz account, thereby agreeing with the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account.

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3. Introduction

3.1. This Complaints Policy explains how You can make a complaint to Us or ask Us a question about Payz Services.

3.2. If You have a complaint or You want to ask Us a question about Payz Services, then We would like to hear from You. Letting Us know Your concerns gives Us the opportunity to put matters right for You and improve the quality of Payz Services. If You think that We could have served You better then please let Us know.

3.3. Complaints concerning Payz Services should be communicated to Us in the first instance by contacting the Customer Support Service. Please state that You wish to make a complaint, so that We are able to distinguish this from a query.

3.4. We recommend that You download or print a copy of this Complaints Policy and store it for Your records and future reference. If You want a copy of this Complaints Policy, You should e-mail customersupport@payz.com (if You are a User) or businesssupport@payz.com (if You are a Business Entity) with the words “Complaints Policy” in the subject line of Your email message.

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4. How to make a complaint

4.1. Our Customer Support Service is available 24/7 (namely, twenty-four hours every day) for any questions You may have. Your first contact with Us is Our Customer Support Service. If You wish to make a complaint, please make sure that You contact Us directly:

  • via post by sending a letter to:Payz Complaints
    IPS Solutions Ltd
    Athalassis 62
    Office 101
    Strovolos 2023
    Nicosia, Cyprus
  • via e-mail by sending an email message to:

    customersupport@payz.com (if You are a User)

    businesssupport@payz.com (if You are a Business Entity)

4.2. Communications and notices between You and Us must be in English or in another language if so requested by You and if Our Customer Support Service team has a member with skills to communicate in Your preferred language.

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5. What information is required when making a complaint

5.1. We need to understand exactly what Your complaint is about, so the more information You can give Us, the better. In order to make sure that We investigate and resolve Your complaint as quickly as possible, please make sure that You give Us the following information:

  • Your Payz account number;
  • if You are a User –Your name and last name, or if You are a Business Entity – Your company’s name, and Your authorized representative’s name and last name;
  • a clear description of the circumstances of Your complaint;
  • what You would like Us to do to put it right;
  • all the evidence available to You and copies of any relevant documents You have (for example, e-mail messages sent by or to You);
  • an e-mail address and a daytime telephone number where We can contact You.

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6. Acknowledgement of a complaint

6.1. Once You have made a complaint, We will acknowledge receipt of Your complaint as follows:

  • if You contacted Us by phone, by sending to You an e-mail confirming that You spoke to Us and that Your complaint is being passed to the Customer Support Service;
  • if You contacted Us by e-mail, by emailing You to confirm receipt of Your complaint; We will do this without undue delay and in any case no later than within 5 (five) Business Days of receipt;
  • if You contacted Us by letter sent by post, by emailing You to confirm receipt of Your complaint; we will do this without undue delay and in any case no later than within 5 (five) Business Days of receipt.

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7. Updates

7.1. We will keep You updated on the progress of review of Your complaint by emailing information to You when We consider this to be appropriate.

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8. Complaints-handling time limits

8.1. We will do Our best to resolve Your complaint as soon as possible, but this may not always be possible.

8.2. If Your complaint is about issues covered by the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account, We will let You have Our final response to Your complaint within 15 (fifteen) Business Days from receipt of Your complaint. If for reasons beyond Our control review of Your complaint exceeds 15 (fifteen) Business Days, We will send You a holding response by e-mail explaining the delay and indicating when We expect to be in a position to complete the review of Your complaint. In any case We will provide You with Our final response to Your complaint not later than within 35 (thirty five) Business Days from receipt of Your complaint.

8.3. If Your complaint is not about issues covered by the Terms of Use for Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account, We will let You have Our final response to the complaint within 8 (eight) weeks from receipt of Your complaint. If for reasons beyond Our control review of Your complaint exceeds 8 (eight) weeks, We will notify You by e-mail to explain the delay and indicating when We expect to be in a position to complete the review of Your complaint. At the same time, We will tell You of Your eligibility to refer Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and also let You have a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service standard explanatory leaflet and relevant contact details.

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9. Our final response

9.1. Once We have reviewed Your complaint, We will provide a written response to You by e-mail, explaining:

  • what We have found;
  • what We plan to do as a result; and
  • why We reached Our decision.

9.2. If You are dissatisfied with Our final response, You may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. With Our final response We will also tell You about Your eligibility to refer Your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and let You have a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service standard explanatory leaflet and their contact details.

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10. Financial Ombudsman Service

10.1. The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent public body set up to review complaints from eligible complainants about companies like Us that provide financial services. Their service may be fee-based. If You can refer a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service under its rules, and if You use this right, We will cooperate fully with the Financial Ombudsman Service.

10.2. Contact details of the Financial Ombudsman Service:

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11. Alternative Dispute Resolution

11.1. If You are a customer, You may also opt to settle a dispute by use of the alternative dispute settlement. In such case the dispute shall be submitted to an Alternative Dispute Settlement Body listed on the catalog compiled by the Consumer Protection Service of the Ministry of Energy Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus. For more information please visit its website here.

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12. If You want to ask Us a question

12.1. Please contact the Customer Support Service. You can contact them via:

12.2. The Customer Support Service is available 24/7 for any questions You may have. If You call Customer Support Service please leave a message including:

  • Your Payz account number;
  • if You are a User –Your name and last name;
  • if You are a Business Entity – Your company’s name, and Your authorized representative’s name and last name;
  • Your full telephone number, including country code;
  • a brief message describing Your question.

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