IPS Cookie Policy

This document was last updated on September 11, 2023.

This IPS Cookie Policy applies to customers from the EEA member states starting from January 1, 2021.

This is the IPS Cookie Policy applicable to Payz Services and Website, as defined below. This Cookie Policy describes how, why and when We use cookies on the Website and what benefits they bring. It also tells how You can manage cookies stored in Your device.

Please read this Cookie Policy carefully. By continuing to use the Website (through any device) You agree that this Cookie Policy applies to that use in addition to any other applicable terms and conditions, including IPS Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account (as applicable).

This Cookie Policy may be made available in several languages; all versions are legally binding but in the event of inconsistency between English version and a translated version English version prevails.

1. Definitions

“Cookie Policy” – this Cookie Policy concerning Payz Services and Website available on the Website, as may be amended from time to time.

“customer” – means a User or Business Entity.

“device” – Mobile Device, computer hardware and software.

“Payz Services” – innovative payment services provided by IPS and based on eMoney issued by IPS upon demand and for the account of Users and Business Entities and including activities required for operations with a Payz account, identity verification and security checks, execution of Transactions, receipt of eMoney transfers, issuance and redemption of eMoney and other activities, as described in the Terms of Use.

“Mobile Application” – an information technology solution available on Mobile Devices exclusively to Users for accessing and partly using Payz Services. We may make this service available to Business Entities in the future.

“Mobile Device” – a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.

“IPS”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” – IPS Solutions Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of Cyprus and authorised by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to issue electronic money and to provide payment services as described in the Terms of Use.

“Privacy Policy” – Our privacy policy concerning Payz Services and Website available on the Website, as may be amended from time to time.

“Terms of Use” – the Terms of Use for the User Account or the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account, as may be amended from time to time.

“User” – an individual who meets all the eligibility requirements set in the Terms of Use for the User Account and that opens and holds a Payz account and is enabled to use Payz Services.

“Website” – the website branded as Payz and referring to domain https://www.payz.com/. The term “Website” also includes reference to a Mobile Application in this Cookie Policy, when applicable.

“You”, “Your” or “Yourself” – an individual who is applying, accessing or using Payz Services either on his or her own account or on behalf of a Business Entity. This includes, an individual acting as a User or as a prospective User, or an individual acting on behalf of a Business Entity, including any principals (the managing and financial directors, other directors and officers, shareholders, partners and beneficial owners of the Business Entity), as well as any member of staff or an employee accessing or using Payz Services on behalf of a Business Entity.

Other terms not provided in the preceding paragraphs are also used in this Cookie Policy. Please check the Terms of Use for the Business Entity Account or Terms of Use for the User Account (as applicable) or Privacy Policy for the meaning of capitalized terms that are not provided in this Cookie Policy.

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2. About IPS

2.1 IPS is a brand name for IPS Solutions Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus with registration number HE346719.

IPS Solutions Ltd. is authorised by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to issue electronic money and also to provide payment services. The registration number issued by the CBC to IPS is

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3. What are cookies?

3.1 A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is sent to and stored on the Internet browser that You use on Your device whenever You access a website. Cookies are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owner of the website. Each website that You visit can store its own cookies to Your Internet browser if Your Internet browser allows it. There are different types of cookies:

  • Persistent cookies. These cookies are used to store a file for an extended period on Your device. They last after You have closed Your Internet browser, and allow a website to remember Your actions and preferences. They might remember choices You have made on previous visits to make the current visit more convenient and relevant to You. They are used, for example, to tell You about what is new on the website since Your last visit.
  • We use persistent cookies, for example, to remember Your user name and to analyse customer visits to Our Website. These cookies help Us to understand how Our customers arrive at and use Our Website so that We can improve Payz Services.
  • Session cookies. These cookies are stored temporarily on Your device while You are visiting a website. They last only for the duration of Your visit and expire when You close Your Internet browser. Session cookies are used to support security and basic functionality of a website, for example, to remember what language You selected or Your login details so that You need not re-enter them multiple times when visiting the website.
  • We use session cookies, for example, to help Us to ensure security of Your use of Payz Service session and keep You signed in to Your Payz account profile while You move between pages of the Website or services of Your Payz account.

3.2 There is a difference between a ‘first party’ and ‘third party’ cookie:

  • A ‘first party’ cookie. A cookie set by the website/mobile application owner (in this case IPS).
  • A ‘third party’ cookie. A cookie set by parties other than the website/mobile application owner. Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided through the website/mobile application (for example, like advertising, interactive content and analytics). Where a cookie is a third party cookie, You should visit the relevant party’s website for more information.

IPS uses both first party and third party cookies.

3.3 More general information about cookies can be found on: All About Cookies (in English).

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4. Your consent to Us to use cookies

4.1 When You visit the Website, We ask for Your consent to use cookies. If You continue to use Our Website without changing Your Internet browser settings, We will assume that You gave Your consent to Our use of cookies. If You do not accept the use of cookies, please disable them as explained below or in any other notice provided to You when You visit the Website or download the Mobile application.

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5. Your control of Our use of cookies

5.1 You have the right to accept or disable cookies used on Our Website. You can exercise this right by visiting Our Website’s cookie settings, available here: Cookie Settings.

5.2 Any Internet browser visiting Our Website will receive cookies from Us. Most Internet browsers allow You to turn off cookies by changing Your Internet browser settings at any time. Please note that You will need to do this for each Internet browser that You use.

5.3 A brief information on deleting cookies may be found on: How to Delete Cookies (in English).

5.4 Internet browser manufacturers provide help pages relating to cookie management with respect to their products. Please see below for more information:

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6. What happens if You turn off cookies

6.1 If You change Your Internet browser settings and turn off certain cookies, You will not be able to use Our Website in the way We intended and You will not be able to access some parts of the Website or to take full advantage of some features of Payz Services.

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7. Use of cookies on Our Website

7.1 We use cookies to give You the best possible experience on Our Website and use of Payz Services. We use cookies for a variety of reasons. For example, We use cookies:

  • To distinguish You from other Users and Business Entities that use Payz Services or from other visitors to the Website.
  • To tailor the Website to Your preferences in line with Your settings and interests.
  • To recognise when You are logged in to Your Payz account profile and allow Us to verify You and carry out some of Your identity and security validation and verification checks that We perform.
  • To keep Your Payz account safe.
  • To analyse how You use the Website and Payz Services.
  • For advertising purposes.
  • To help improve Payz Services.

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8. Types of cookies that We use

8.1 Strictly necessary cookies:

These cookies are vital to Us for providing key features of the Website, such as to allow You to move around the Website, use its features, and to ensure security of Your experience of Payz Services. Without these cookies, services such as executing a Transaction and managing of Your Payz Account profile cannot be provided. These cookies are activated when You visit Our Website. These cookies do not gather information from You for the purposes of marketing. By using the Website You agree that We can place these types of cookies on Your device. However, You can block them by changing Your Internet browser settings (please see Section 5 – Your control of Our use of cookies – of this Cookie Policy).

*Please note, that additional cookies, which are not mentioned in the table above, can be used by external providers.

8.2 Analytics and Customisation cookies and Advertising and Targeting cookies:

  • Analytics and customisation cookies collect information about how You use Our Website. These cookies give You extra functionality, such as being able to ask Us to remember Your preferences. They are also used to identify You according to Your behaviour, to improve how Our Website works, and to improve Our customer experience. They allow Us to monitor how the Website is performing, so that We can improve it. These cookies do not collect information that identifies You, although they may collect Your IP address of the device used by You to access Our Website. They do not track Your browsing activity across other websites. By using the Website You agree that We can place these types of cookies on Your device. However, You can block them by changing Your Internet browser settings (please see Section 5 – Your control of Our use of cookies – of this Cookie Policy).
  • Advertising and targeting cookies collect information about Your browsing habits. They are used to store Your behavioural information obtained through on-going observation of Your Internet browsing habits, which enables the development of a specific profile to show tailored advertising. By using the Website You agree that We can place these types of cookies on Your device. However, You can block them by changing Your Internet browser settings (please see Section 5 – Your control of Our use of cookies – of this Cookie Policy).


*Please note, that additional cookies, which are not mentioned in the table above, can be used by external providers.

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9. Cookies used by other parties

9.1 Websites belonging to or operated by third parties may contain links to Our Website with or without Our consent. Please note that third parties may also use cookies. These cookies are not related to Us and We have no control over them. You may be presented with these third party cookies and they might track Your use of Our Website. We are not responsible in any way for operation of third party cookies. You should check the relevant party’s website for more information.

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10. Changes to this Cookie Policy

10.1 This Cookie Policy may change. You are responsible for ensuring You periodically visit Our Website and this Cookie Policy to check for any changes. If You (or the Business Entity You represent) have a Payz account, We will notify You (or the Business Entity You represent) before any material change to this Cookie Policy is due to take effect. We will do so by posting a notice of the changes on the Website and by sending a notification e-mail to Your (or the Business Entity You represent) e-mail address.

10.2 Any changes to this Cookie Policy will be effective from the date indicated in the notice posted on the Website and notified to You by e-mail (if You (or the Business Entity You represent) have a Payz account).

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11. Contacting Us

11.1 If you have any questions, please contact Our Customer Support Service. You can contact the Customer Support Service via:

11.2 The Customer Support Service is available 24/7 (namely, twenty-four hours every day) for any questions You may have.

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